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trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino
trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino

CLASSIC / traditional METHOD

Trentodoc Salísa represents the uniqueness, refinement and elegance of the Cembra Valley, a place where mountain viticulture is characterized by heroic terraced vineyards and an alpine climate. Attention to the environment, human experience and innovation in the cellar allow us to maximize the quality of our grapes.

Our vineyards for the production of Trentodoc, Chardonnay and part of Pinot Nero are located exclusively in the Cembra Valley, Trentino: they are located between 600 and over 800 meters above sea level, with excellent exposure to the south. Viticulture in the Cembra Valley is defined as heroic: all our vineyards stand on terraced steps and the work in the valley is exclusively manual.

The alpine climate, considered extreme and conditioned by the hot currents coming from Lake Garda and by the cold currents that come from the adjacent Dolomite valleys of Fiemme and Fassa, influences the Cembra Valley which enjoys significant temperature changes in temperature between day and night.  At the moment of harvesting, our grapes are ripe, crunchy and complex, but with significant acidity, a characteristic that certainly proves to be an added value for the production of Trentodoc. 

For the production of Trentodoc we have selected vineyards that arise exclusively on calcareous soil, a characteristic that in the Cembra Valley is found only in the municipality of Giovo, where our winery is located. Monte Corona represents for us the best area ever for the production of our grapes destined for the Trentodoc Spumante.

trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesicato selezione riserva

Our company produces, in addition to a range of typical Trentino still wines, a selection of three Trentodoc Classic Method labels. To date, the types in the range are two Blanc de Blancs in versions Brut and Zero and a Rosé in version Extra Brut.

trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero


Our Spumante Salísa was born as a sparkling wine with a feminine character: ours is a company mainly made up of women, in a world where the figure of women is still relatively marginal. The name Salísa is created by crossing the names of three members of our family team: Sara, Linda and Sabina, as well as daughters of the owners and key figures for the company's business. Their involvement in the activity was fundamental for us to decide to dedicate our line of sparkling wines to them, also with the aim of enhancing the role of women in the world of wine. From attention to quality to attention to detail, Salísa is an emblem of elegance and femininity.

trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia
trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia
trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia
trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia

The method:

Each of our Trentdoc bottles is produced according to the Classic Method 100% by us, following the entire supply chain from the vineyard to the shelf. Innovation, precision and care are in every production phase.

trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia


From the harvest of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes we obtain the basic still wine to which, once bottled, are added  yeasts  And  sugars .  

The result of the second fermentation in the bottle is the second fermentation, another important moment in the sparkling process  Classic Method . The base wine develops the carbon dioxide to which the perlage is due, that is the bubbles and the “froth”, which is formed by pouring Trentodoc into the glass.  Once the wine is put to rest, the yeasts and sugars (tirage syrup) start the second  fermentation  with the production of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol: this is why classic method sparkling wines are also called “wines with refermentation in the bottle”.
The second fermentation takes place over a period of about two months with the achievement of a pressure in the bottle of more or less 6 atmospheres.


Protected from the light, the bottles then remain in the cellars for a long period of refinement where an essential role is played in this important phase of winemaking, thanks to the relatively constant temperature, close to 12 ° C. The yeasts begin to multiply inside the bottle. At the end of the second fermentation, the yeasts die little by little and give rise to autolysis: their cellular content degrades and releases molecules that interact with those of the wine, undergoing a slow transformation. A double chemical phenomenon. At the same time, an infinitesimal quantity of oxygen enters the bottle through the temporary cap, from which a little carbon dioxide escapes. The choice of the cap is therefore a determining parameter on which to base itself in order to obtain a more or less rapid evolution.

Aging on the lees thus combines two phenomena:

  • the autolysis of yeasts;

  • the slow oxidation coming from the cap.

This crucial stage of the elaboration also confers specific aromas to our sparkling wine and allows the progressive expansion of the aromas of maturity and fullness and elegance. The duration of the refinement is a process that then lasts at least 30 months (varies according to the type).

trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia remuage cataste


The operation known as remuage is the most characteristic phase of the classic production method. The aim is to collect the sediments (exhausted yeasts) in the neck of the bottle, to eliminate them later, with disgorgement.


The bottles are placed upside down on typical wooden trestles, called pupitres, which allow the operation to be carried out correctly: the producer rotates and moves the bottles with great care, half a turn, so that the residues (mainly exhausted yeasts) collect towards the neck of the bottle.
An expert producer is able to rotate thousands of bottles a day, with precise and effective gestures, handed down from generation to generation. Thanks to the remuage of the sparkling wine, even the smallest residual particles are collected, waiting to be eliminated: in this way a limpid Trentodoc is obtained.


Today many manufacturers also use mechanized tools. These automatic devices called “pallet turns” or “gyro-pallets” allow the simultaneous oscillation of hundreds of bottles placed in special metal crates, 24 hours a day.


After resting upside down on pupitres, where the periodic rotation and progressive change of inclination of the bottles takes place, which facilitates the deposit of the exhausted yeasts towards the cork, it is necessary to eliminate them and this is done through mechanical disgorgement. The extracted wine is replaced with a mix of fine wine and sugar: the very personal touch of the winemaker, the secret blend (liqueur d'éxpedition) that distinguishes the traits of each label. It is with the topping up that the personality of each Trentodoc is defined.

How you do it? This system provides for the mechanical freezing of the neck of several bottles at the same time: the internal pressure blows up the frozen cap, which carries with it the residues of the yeasts.

trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia remuage sboccatura ferrari trento altemasi
trentodoc valle di cembra dolomiti trento doc montagna salisa bollicina spumante metodo classico wine women champagne perlage vulcania vignaioli calcare gesso viticoltura eroica salisa dolomiti cantina villa corniole spumanti trentino nature pas dose riserva dosaggio zero extra brut millesimato metodo classico pjnot nero pinot noir chardonnay pinot pianco millesimato selezione riserva zero sorelle donne del vino famiglia remuage sboccatura ferrari trento


The last productive part consists in the packaging of the sparkling wine through capsules, labels, etc. From this moment on, the sparkling wine will remain in the warehouse for a few months and will finally be ready for sale.


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